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Destination Path Too Long Fix

The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder.

Windows under the hood supports pathnames up to 32000 characters however due to some reasons - which I can only think are legacy support related - programs like 'Explorer' will choke on anything longer then about 260 characters during copy operations. This is very frustrating and can be major pain if you are re-installing your system and are keeping your program settings for example the Eclipse Workspace folder.

In my quest for a solution I have found Terra Nova copy but my experience found it buggy - eventually I have discovered FastCopy utility by a Japanese programmer - it has nice right click integration and works well with Windows 8.1 even though has not been updated in a while.

Drop a comment or follow me on twitter @danielsokolows if you found this post useful, and also considering donating to the author.


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