Inserting a new paragraph outside of a wrapping element CKEditor provides templating functionality that allows for insertion of HTML snippets. This is very handy, however for complex markup a problem arises where pressing 'Enter' creates a new paragraph but within the wrapping elements. Searching for how to 'step out of the element' returned nothing helpful and that is the reason why I'm posting a solution. Keyboard shortcuts to force a new paragraph outside the wrapping element are: Shift+Ctrl+3 – Enables entering content (by adding a new paragraph) before a problematic element. Shift+Ctrl+4 – Enables entering content (by adding a new paragraph) after a problematic element. On a side note, the above is provided through the built in Magic Line plugin which is supposed to show a red line insert new paragraph widget but that does not always work. If this has helped you, be legendary and do social share this and do follow me on twitter @danielsokol