IntegrityError: Problem installing fixtures: The row in table 'geonames_alternatename' with primary key '1830' has an invalid foreign key: geonames_alternatename.locality_id contains a value '109436' that does not have a corresponding value in geonames_locality.geonameid.
In a situation where a third party app data export works just fine but the fixutre fails due to any IntegrityError is most likley cause by an overiden `objects` manager that returns only a subset. The solution is to explicitly tell django to export using the default model managers using the `--all` argument for example like so:
dumpdata geonames --indent=4 --all --settings=settings_development > geonames_ext/fixtures/initial_data.json
This is clearly a situation where explicit is better then implicit, that is when defining custom model managers do not touch the `get_query_set` method rather instead add an explict method; for post completeness below is my Eclipse PyDev template I utlize when defining new models.
from django.db import models #from django.contrib.db import models from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.urlresolvers import NoReverseMatch from djanfrom django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri from django.utils.http import urlquote from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, RegexValidator class ${model_name}Manager(models.Manager): """ Additional methods / constants to ${model_name}'s objects manager: ``${model_name}Manager.objects.public()`` - all instances that are asccessible through front end """ ### Model (db table) wide constants - we put these and not in model definition to avoid circular imports. ### One can access these constants through.objects.STATUS_DISABLED or ImageManager.STATUS_DISABLED STATUS_DISABLED = 0 STATUS_ENABLED = 100 STATUS_ARCHIVED = 500 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (STATUS_DISABLED, "Disabled"), (STATUS_ENABLED, "Enabled"), (STATUS_ARCHIVED, "Archived"), ) ### We keep status field and custom queries naming a little different as it is not one-to-one mapping in all situations ### Note: workarrund - QUERYSET_PUBLIC_KWARGS = {'status__gte': STATUS_ENABLED} # because you can't yet chain custom manager filters ex.: # 'public().open()' we provide access the QUERYSET_KWARGS def public(self): """ Returns all entries someway accessible through front end site""" return self.filter(**self.QUERYSET_PUBLIC_KWARGS) # def active(self): # """ Returns all active entries, for example entries that can be selected in forms, searched on, etc"" #def active(self) # return self.filter(status=self.STATUS_ENABLED) class ${model_name}(models.Model): """ Main entity representing ${model_name} object """ ### model options - "anything that's not a field" class Meta: ordering = ['order', 'name'] get_latest_by = 'order' #order_with_respect_to = #permissions = [["can_deliver_pizzas", "Can deliver pizzas"]] #unique_together = [["driver", "restaurant"]] #verbose_name = "pizza" #verbose_name_plural = "stories" ### Python class methods def __unicode__(self): """ Retruns a unicode representation for the instance of this model """ if settings.DEBUG: return u'PK%s: %s - %s' % (,, self.FOO) return u'%s - %s' % (, self.FOO) ### Django established method #def get_absolute_url(self): # """ Returns the relative url mapping for the instance of this model if it exists or None otherwise""" # return iri_to_uri(reverse('Company', kwargs={'pk':, 'slug': urlquote(slugify(self.__uniocode__()))})) # return reverse ('${model_name}', kwargs={'slug': self.slug}) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.project: # enforce that company matches project's company = super(Login, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Call the "real" save() method. def clean(self): """ Check if icon is needed or not """ if self.project and ( != raise ValidationError('Project must belong to the company specified.') ### extra model functions def get_next_order(): """ Returns the next available integer for the order field """ try: return ${model_name}.objects.latest('order').last + 1 except: return 1 def get_upload_path(instance, filename): """ returns a dynamic path for filefields/imagefieds """ return '%s/%s/%s' % (instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.module_name, filename) def get_geopoint_srid4326(self): """ Returns a geopoint in spatial projection 4326 which is lat and lng coordinate system. We are doing this so we can utilise lat lng in the template as sqlite dosen't support all distance calculations in 4326 so we used srid 900913 which is not lat lng based. """ pnt = GEOSGeometry(self.geopoint.wkt) # we have to make copy of point as transform pnt.set_srid(self.geopoint.get_srid()) # works in place and dosen't return a new point return pnt.transform(4326) ### custom managers objects = ${model_name}Manager() #objects = models.GeoManager() # geodjango objects manager ### model DB fields # add blank=False, default='' if you don't want to display a 'blank choice' when rendering modelchoicefield status = models.IntegerField(blank=False, default=None, choices=${model_name}Manager.STATUS_CHOICES, default=${model_name}Manager.STATUS_ENABLED) order = models.PositiveIntegerField(help_text='Display order modifier, leave default if unsure', unique=False, default=get_next_order, validators=[MinValueValidator(1)]) name = models.CharField(help_text='Name', max_length=20) # rather than database slug use PK and a dynamic slug from name, links will still work using ID lookup #slug = models.SlugField(help_text='A short label used in URL generation containing only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens; hyphens being preferred for SEO optimizations', # unique=True, null=True, validators=[RegexValidator(r'.+')]) description = models.TextField(help_text='Optional HTML allowed description', blank=True) # content = models.TextField(help_text='Optional content', blank=True) # this is not needed keep it simple phone = models.CharField(help_text='Main phone number ex. 613-333-4444.', max_length=12, validators=RegexValidator(regex='\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d', message="Please enter phone number in following format: 613-333-4444", code="Unrecognized Phone")) services = models.ManyToManyField(LawyerService, limit_choices_to= {'status',}, help_text='Available Family law services.') ### GeoDjango-specific fields #geopoint = models.PointField()
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