How to reuse custom defined 'models.Manager' QuerySets Django recommends to define custom query sets on your sublcassed models.Manager, there is one problem however that these are not chainable, that is you can only call your custom queryset once - assuming I have defined an '.active()' queryset the following will not work: >> Traceback (most recent call last): File " ", line 1, in AttributeError: 'PaymentTermManager' object has no attribute 'active' >>> Current solutions on the web involve creating a subclassed 'models.Manager' and a custom 'QuerySet' which do work but are to code verbose for my linking. I believe the below approach is simpler, cleaner and more succinct. class OfferManager(models.Manager): ... STATUS_CHOICES = ( (STATUS_DISABLED, "Disabled"), (STATUS_ENABLED, "Enabled"), (STATUS_NEGOTIATED, "Negotiated")...