In Charts and Tables My first month trading FOREX trading is now complete and as expected (but definitely not wanted) my account balance has gone down 52% . I have done a total 115 trades which equates to about 28 trades per week. Trade History export to CSV MetaTrader must have been designed by geeks for geeks as there is no export to CSV/Excell. Fortunately I am such aforementioned geek and created a script for this purpose. On the bright side is I expected to start learning MQL at some point so this started that process. You can find my script at this link: MetaTrader Export Trade History to CSV . Lossing vs Winning Trades I did really great in the first week, perhaps it was luck perhaps it was new trader confidence. Looking back at the trades I seldom had a stop loss, had a generous stop loss in place, or kept adjusting it, and I recall leaving the trades alone then coming back to them seeing profits and just setting a trailing stop loss; I can possibly confirm this...