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Showing posts from November, 2013

Eclipse ANT View/Editor Missing

Installing the Eclipse ANT plugin directly All Eclipse distributions have ANT Java based build support (you'll find 'org.apache.ant_*' in your Eclipse install) however unless you also install the Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) you will be missing the ANT Editor view. Rather than installing the entire JDT package we can install the ANT UI component directly using Eclipse's P2 director through the command line as follows $ cd $ ./eclipse -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU org.eclipse.ant.ui Installing org.eclipse.ant.ui 3.5.400.v20130514-1341. Operation completed in 19162 ms. Afterwards to activate the editor go to 'Window > Show View > Other > Ant' or right click 'XML' files and choose 'Open with > Other > Ant Editor'. If you found this useful feel free to follow me on twitter twitter @danielsokolowski .

Eclipse ZIP Plugin Install

Working with zipped staticresources in Eclipse IDE As I work toward mastering Salesforce's APEX language one of the thing that surprised me is the convention to store static resources (js, css, images, etc.) as a zipped archive in the cloud; my uneducated guess this is so to avoid the Data limit imposted. To Edit staticresources in Eclipse IDE directly (most of my Team uses Sublime + Maven which I am evaluating and those experiences are for another blog) one could use the Eclipse Zip Editor plugin, however it does not have a handy url install and requires a manual one. Installing Eclipse Zip Plugin There is no friendly site install url, and selecting the local or archive install results in Eclipse throwing an error; the only way I was able to install is using Eclipse dropins folder mechanism. Download Eclipse Zip Editor form their site Unzip the plugin In the unziped folder navigate to the subfolder plugins Copy the file Navigate to your Eclips...