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Showing posts from May, 2012

Minecraft Server on Debian

Running Minecraft Server on a Linode Debian Instance If you are having issues following the official wiki then you are not alone - I found it much too generic and could not get the 'init.d' startup script to work. Following is a step by step guide to quickly set up your on game server running on Debian/Ubuntu distribution. Install Java We are going to install OpenJDK which for all intents and purposes is equivalent to Sun java but without licensing issues. Execute below commands under root or using sudo. # aptitude update # aptitude install openjdk-6-jre-headless Download and Install Minecraft Server We are going to download and install into '/usr/local/minecraft' as per the Debian FilesystemHierarchyStandard. # mkdir /usr/local/minecraft # cd /usr/local/minecraft/ # wget We are installing the bukkit minecraft version rather then the vanilla one, it is fully comptabible with the vanilla server but lets your run...

SIP Voip Multiline Client

Receive call from multiple SIP accounts using one client. Finally found a decent free, no hidden costs, and open source VOIP multi line line client Linphone . It works rather well, doesn't look like dogs breakfast, hasn't crashed yet, and best of all it's also a multi platform client - it will run on your Blackberry, Android, iPhone, Windows and Linux. So in a nut shell if you have multiple sip accounts or run your own PBX system like FreeSWITCH it does the job, and it does it well. Yes you can thank me, but real thanks should go to Yasuro's Blog , I just got legendary googlefu.

Directory Size Overview in Linux

Visual console based directory size overview If you google how to get directory size list in linux you most likley find a page that tells you to use the following command: du -sh * | sort -nr Or to limit only to the top 10: du -sh * | sort -nr | head -10 However this is cumbersome and not very visual. There are two awesome solutions to this dillema: NCurses Disk Usage and Midnight Commander ; the former just let's you explore the sizes of yoru folder whereas the latter is a complete and very popular system explorer which comes with an options to calculate directory sizes. To calculate sizes in Midnight Commander press 'Shift +' to select all and choose 'Command' > 'Show directory sizes' These programs are available as Debian packages and I suggest you install both.

Opera SOCKS Proxy Setup Issues

SOCKS error: Connection closed by remote server When setting up SOCKS only proxy in Opera web browser make sure to specify the IP address instead of your fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Using a host name will not work and Opera simply fails to connect to the proxy server. Sample working setup screen shot with a Dante proxy server , note that HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH options are left blank. Bug DSK-364301 has been filled with Opera, if it has been a while since this post and the issue still not fixed feel free to add your word of encouragement by emailing :)